Shakes the Clown Movie Review

A Bobcat Goldthwait comedy... bet'cha didn't see that one coming, eh? Shakes the Clown is written, directed by and starring Bobcat as Shakes, a clown with a drinking problem. However, his problems soon (blog post) begin to multiply, and only a high speed chase and beating the crap out of some other movie reviews clowns can result in him getting a

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CGI VS Practical Effects - Why is CGI seen as lesser?

A few weeks back, behind-the-scenes footage from the production of Prey sparked up debate online on CGI vs Practical Effects. Before CGI was a thing, it was all practical all the time due to necessity. However, in the years since Jurassic Park showed us that CGI can be more impressive in many ways, Hollywood has gone CGI for most everything.

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